Wednesday, July 15, 2009

EXTRA POST - The Farefell Speech

Sssh! Ok - I lied but we will call this an EXTRA POST.

Women like emotion and the heartfelt story. Here is a link to the most touching, inspiring and .......well just watch the speech!

This isn't posted because I'm a Yankees fan.
It isn't posted because I like #4.
This isn't posted because this was the first man to ever have his jersey retired in MLB.
This is an EXTRA Sssh! Post because it explain what I originally told you in my first ever post......

"Sports (watching and playing) teaches men the qualities they need for prosperity; leadership, teamwork, communication, hard work, work ethic, believe in something larger than themselves, compassion.....and sometimes even a pay check. Women know these are all qualities they love in men. "

Sssh! Rivalries are next.......and from the perspective of a Yankees fan.

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